Boy Scout Troop 300

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church is the proud sponsor of Boy Scout Troop 300. Troop 300 is a very dynamic Scout troop, with a program of high adventure. Its goals are to build character, foster citizenship, and to develop fitness,

and they do that with a program of outdoor adventure. The boys in the troop are committed to doing their duty to God and Country, to helping others at all times, and on a personal basis staying physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight. 

Boy Scout Troop 300 meets at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church on Monday nights from 6:30-8:00 pm. To learn more about us and for contact information visit our website at

Boy Scout Troop 300 2013 Report

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church sponsors Troop 300 (T300), the Thunderbirds, of the Boy Scouts of America. 


In 2013, over 70 boys and 20 adults were registered members of T300. The aims of scouting are to build character, foster citizenship and develop fitness in boys aged 11-17. This is done through a variety of Scout outings, community service events and Eagle Scout projects.


This past year T300 performed numerous community service hours to include Scouting for Food, bell ringing for the Salvation Army, assisting in the Valley Thanksgiving Blessing, providing Christmas Baskets and helping to put the chairs back after the Sanctuary was painted. T300 once again earned the Gold Award, the highest possible in Scouting's Journey to Excellence.


Eight boys were awarded Eagle and seven projects were accomplished in 2013. With the help Linda Myers-Steele (our project consultant), the GSLC congregation and mentorship of parishioners, five projects were done at Good Shepherd. Jake built benches for the patio, Ben paved the patio area and Daniel built planter boxes for the Food Bank all under the mentorship of Wayne Bredberg. Lance re-covered chairs with the help of Jodi Rogness. Kenny provided disaster response training to the community under the mentorship of Don Warble. Additionally, Michael and Andrew did projects for the recycling center and Alex built emergency kits for an elementary school classroom. Nate was our first Eagle of 2013 and completed his project in 2012.


As one of the most active troops in Alaska, T300 has at least one outing every single month. In 2013, a number of boys and adults under the leadership of Russ Joyce, enjoyed floating the Yukon River from Carmacks to Dawson City. Several scouts and adults attended National Jamboree. In 2014, the troop plans to winter camp at Hatcher’s Pass, downhill ski at Alyeska, snow machine at Petersville, hike Kesugi Ridge, go on a sailing adventure at the Scout’s Sea Base in Florida and end the summer with a water war on Finger Lake. T300 began in 2001 and has produced 30 Eagle Scouts.