Church Council

The Executive

The Executive Committee consists of the president, vice president, secretary, financial secretary and treasure.  All members attend and report activities at the monthly council meetings and reports to the congregation during the annually meeting, act as officers of the church congregation, and annually review the membership roles, constitution and by-laws, and mission statement.

The president is the acting head of the congregation and council and overseas and presents the annual report  to the congregation.  The vice-president serves in place of the president when the president is unavailable, in October of each year activates the nominating committee, and ensures that council boards are meeting and operating on a regular basis.

The secretary keeps and maintains all minutes of the council and congregation and has custody of the archives. The treasure serves as the financial officer and has custody of all funds and receives and disburses funds in accordance with the direction of the congregation and council.  The financial secretary receives and maintains the records of all contributions and makes regular reports to the council and congregation.

The Board of Education and Youth

The Board of Education and Youth develop an effective teaching ministry which includes opportunity for study by every member of this congregation through its teaching service.  The Board of Education and Youth attends monthly council meetings, performs background checks on all adults dealing with youth, works directly with youth coordinator, recruits and provides curriculum to Sunday school teachers, recruits youth leaders for youth groups and overseas activities, overseas the following annual events: Vacation Bible School and Christian Arts Camp, Halloween party (in collaboration with Board of Outreach), first bible distribution to first grade students, study bible distribution to confirmands, and adult bible distribution to high school graduates as well as many other activities throughout the year.

The Board of Outreach

The Board of Outreach faithfully sustains and develops the spiritual life of all members in Christ, deepening and enriching the spirit of Christian fellowship, exercising meaningful participation within the mission of the Church, and seeking new commitments to Jesus Christ within all areas of life.  Makes witnessing and serving foremost functions that flow out of the faith and worship life of the congregation, thus giving reality and reflect to the profession of faith in living God.  The Board of Outreach attends and reports activities at the monthly council meetings and reports to the congregation during the annual meeting, prepares new members classes at least two times per year, performs follow up with visitors and inactive members.  Assists in the organization of Bible study materials and study groups.  Oversees the annual fishing trip, fish fry, pig roast, fall harvest, Halloween party (in collaboration with the Board of Education and Youth), as well as other social activities during the year. Serves as the congregation's link to Conference, District and National Evangelism Committee and personnel.

The Board of Worship

The Board of Worship gives leadership, counsel, and guidance in all matters pertaining to worship and church music with the congregation.  Is responsible for all elements needed for and contributing to regular and special services, including hospitality, ushering, preparation of the alter, preparation for and assistance with the communion service, care of paraments and vestments. Establishes criteria for music to be used in worship services, at weddings and funerals, with counsel and cooperation of the pastor and music staff.  The Board of Worship attends and reports activities at the monthly council meetings and reports to the congregation during the annual meeting, recruits and develops musical talent for both present and future services, oversees the training of lay workers, and serves as the congregation link to Conference, District and National Committees on Worship and Church Music.

The Board of Management

The Board of Management is responsible for the coordinating and compiling the annual spending plan.  The Board of Management attends and reports activities at the monthly council meetings and reports to the congregation during the annual meetings, relays all benevolence gifts, clears the monthly payments of budgeted expenditures, work with the pastor and Board of Stewardship in handling memorial and legacy gifts to the worldwide mission program through the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, responsible for adequate insurance coverage for buildings, grounds, staff and risks of the congregation, and is responsible for the staffing and personnel issues of the Church.

Board of Property

The Board of Property is responsible for the care (maintenance, repair and improvement) of all physical properties of the Church, check all real and personal items in full detail for care at least once each year, and calling attention of the council and/or congregation, necessary repairs, improvements or facilities.  Propose necessary maintenance service and specific staff to the council, including recommendation as to responsibilities, remuneration, benefits, hours, level of standards, details that are necessary to accomplish the tasks.  The Board of Property attends and reports activities at the monthly council meetings and reports to the congregation during the annual meeting.

The Board of Stewardship

The Board of Stewardship encourages liberal, thankful, loving, and worshipful giving on the part of congregation.  Review and study stewardship literature for the purpose of raising the congregation’s stewardship consciousness and sponsors stewardship talks, discussions, and forums necessary to keep the congregation and its various committees and programs.  The Board of Stewardship attends and reports activities at the monthly council meetings and reports to the congregation during the annual meeting, maintain the time and talent records for the church and uses the forms to solicit the involvement of individual members in the life of the church.  Develops a process that will provide the council or committees with manpower for any specified work project utilizing the time and talent record, informs the congregation of the stewardship challenges of the Conference, District and National Church Body.